
The alarm company called Elizabeth Fletcher to tell her that her alarm had gone off. Their house-sitter had gone out for breakfast, so they called 911. Soon, they reached the sitter, who arrived at the house around the same time as the officer.

Fletcher talked to the officer over the phone, joking. He had been the same officer who had come out a few months ago when her car had been broken into. The officer said he was going to take a look around and make sure everything was safe.

Then he went into the backyard and shot Ciarra. Neighbors Ashley Derrick and Alison Grounds rushed the dog to the vet, but she couldn’t be saved. In an email to the East Lake Neighbors Community Association, Derrick wrote:

“I asked why [the officer] had to shoot her. He could give me no answer.”

Fletcher said they were speaking out for one primary reason:

“We don’t want this to happen to anyone else.”

Source: Atlanta-Journal Constitution

One Comment on “Ciarra”

  1. Joslynne Davidson says:

    Cops doing what they do best…murdering our family companions.

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